'The Cottage' 1895
Buckland House 1895
Buckland House c1901
South Devon Foxhounds 1907
Hunting 1907
Billy Brunskill 1907
Babs Brunskill 1907
Mrs Brunskill 1907
MFH Stables 1902
Devon County Cricket 1902
Buckland House
Brunskill family 1901
'The Cottage' 1900
Buckland House 1901
Henry Clarke
Goveton c1910
Courtlands 2005
Remains of Medieval Cross W of Courtlands 2005
Granery W of Bearscombe 2005
Farmyard group NE of Bearscombe 2005
Farmyard group NW of Bearscombe
Milestone Bearscombe cottages 2005
Buckland Tout Saints Hotel 2005
Model farm group at Longlose Farm 2005
Buckland out-Saints Hotel